Make your mornings more nutritious by adding a range of soaked foods to your diet as they not only help you access the diverse nutrient profile of a food but also make it more digestible. Soaking nuts, grains, and seeds is the secret to unlocking a range of nutrients and reaping benefits of their diverse nutritional profile. Cashews and walnuts like other nuts have up to 5% and 0.1-9.4% of phytic acid (per 100gm) respectively, an antinutrient which can hinder absorption of nutrients and affect digestibility in some people.Soaking them can multiply their benefits, aid digestion, and make their texture softer. When it comes to eating soaked cashew and soaked walnuts, is one better than the other? Let’s find out.
Cashews, known as Kaju in India, are a powerhouse of protein, healthy fats, and antioxidants such as polyphenols, the plant-based phytonutrients that are also present in fruits and vegetables. While cashews have gained a bad reputation for being high in saturated fat and contributing towards cholesterol, this is nothing more than a myth, say experts. Studies suggest that a small serving of cashew in fact helps eliminate the much dreaded bad cholesterol or LDL. (low-density lipo-protein)
The brain-shaped walnuts can be a wonderful addition to your diet given their heart and brain boosting properties. Rich in alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), an omega-3 fatty acid, having them can reduce inflammation and keep many chronic diseases at bay. Walnuts too have polyphenols which improve brain function and slow down age-related mental decline. Soaking them overnight can remove phytic acid and improve their texture.
Soaked cashews and almonds can be added to your oatmeal, smoothies, shakes and porridge for added taste and nutrients.
Contrary to the myth, cashews have zero cholesterol and apart from that, the healthy fats in them help lower bad cholesterol (LDL) and prevent heart disease. If you want a low-calorie and nutrient dense snack, just reach for a handful of Kaju or cashew.
Heart health
Cashews are a storehouse of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, which can reduce risk of cardiovascular disease. A study published in Current Developments in Nutrition says that incorporating cashews in the diet can improve TG levels as well as systolic and diastolic blood pressure.
Aids in digestion
Eating soaked cashew daily can regularise your bowel movements and relief constipation. Soaking cashews can improve their digestibility by removing phytic acids that can cause constipation and indigestion. The nuts are high in fibre which can regulate bowel movements and improve gut flora.
Immunity booster
Eating cashews regularly can help supply antioxidants that fight free radicals in the body, and reduce inflammation that can prevent many diseases and chronic conditions.
Benefits of soaked walnuts
Brain health
Walnuts are renowned for being a superior brain food. Walnuts are a storehouse of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), an omega-3 fatty acid that can reduce inflammation and support brain function as people age. It can also work wonders for boosting concentration, memory and other cognitive functions.
Heart health
Walnuts are a storehouse of omega-3 fatty acids and can be a superfood for heart health. Eating them daily can reduce inflammation, improve cholesterol balance, blood pressure and reduce risk of metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease.
Bone health
Walnuts are rich in minerals like manganese and magnesium that can support bone formation and osteoporosis prevention. Soaking them makes them easily chewable and improve their digestibility, making them a good dietary choice for elderly.
Blood pressure
Adding soaked walnuts to your daily diet can be quite beneficial for blood pressure management. A study published in Journal of the American Heart Association, people who ate a whole walnut diet had lower central blood pressure than those who ate other diets.
Cancer prevention
Walnuts may also have an anti-cancer effect. Research suggests that walnuts, with polyphenol and other compounds, can be a part of daily diet that reduces cancer risk.
Ideal number of soaked cashews and soaked walnuts you should have in a day
5-18 cashews per day and 2-4 walnuts can be eaten depending on the calories consumed in a day.
Soaked cashews or soaked walnuts, which is a better choice?
Both soaked cashews and soaked walnuts can supply your body and mind with a wealth of nutrients. Theprocess of soaking can help you digest them as well as unlock their nutrients better. You can eat either of them or both to add wonderful micronutrients to your body.
It is important to eat a balanced diet with foods that have all the essential vitamins and minerals. Consuming foods rich in protein and fibre can help curb hunger pangs in between the meals. Soaked nuts and seeds can help fulfill body and mind’s requirement for a wide range of nutrients.
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